
Old US spy cocks a snook from Havana This is more of a test of NewsBlogger than anything else, but I found it amusing. After fruitlessly searching for a few unusual things I'm interested in (my cat's names, annual gatherings like AMW or BaitCon, the name of our obscure startup, etc) I settled on "scuba diver, scuba diving" and this was one of the items I got. Apparently being an international spy also can qualify one to become an international travel agent. Very amusing. I don't have an official position on the whole Cuba/Miami Cubanos/Elian thing except to say that almost everyone involved except the actual child acted with a shocking degree of immaturity. O tempora, O mores, as always. Or as Cicero once said, "Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." _SRC


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